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Young Critics Workshop 2021

12 > 23 October 2021
Film Fest Gent

Young Critics 2021 (left to right: Hanne Schelstraete, Luise Mörke, Nazeeh Alghazawneh, Jack Seibert, Jovana Gjorgjiovska) © Jeroen Willems

From October 12 until 23, 2021, photogénie and Film Fest Gent organized the eighth Young Critics Workshop, welcoming five aspiring film critics (aged 18-26) to Belgium and and guiding them in covering the 48th edition of this major international event.

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The selected participants covered the festival by writing three reviews and one in-depth piece, guided by film critic Nick Pinkerton (Film CommentSight & SoundReverse Shot, …) and the photogénie team.

Their reviews and essays can be found below.

The Young Critics

Hanne Schelstraete


I recently graduated in theatre and film studies at the University of Antwerp and am currently preparing a PhD-proposal on morality in the film theory of the École Schérer. In the meantime, I am finishing my Bachelor’s in philosophy, always seeking those precious points where philosophy and cinema approach each other. Encouraged by a previous Young Critics Workshop I attended (at the MOOOV Film Festival in 2019), I now work as a freelance film critic for Belgian film magazines such as Fantômas and Humbug.

Jovana Gjorgjiovska

(North Macedonia)

As a psychologist and researcher by day, a film and theatre critic by night, I’m infinitely curious about the human psyche and continuously drawn toward critical thinking for a simple reason: just like a kaleidoscope, everything in life (and in art) depends on your perspective.

I started publishing my film and theatre reviews in 2012 and promptly became aware of the lack of mentorship opportunities in North Macedonia. This led me to co-found, the only online platform devoted to film and theatre criticism in the country, focused on mentoring young writers.

Jack Seibert

(United States)

I’m Jack, I grew up in New York City, and I live in Los Angeles now. Movies didn’t play a huge role in my life until a few years ago. Instead I bounced around a bunch of interests, studying literature in college and currently working at a video game studio. Writing seemed like a natural way to sort through my feelings once movies did begin to consume my life—recent favorites include Nick Ray, Tsui Hark—and now I hope to do it as much as I can.

Luise Mörke


I’m a writer and graduate student of art history, currently based in Berlin.

Nazeeh Alghazawneh

(United States)

My name is Nazeeh. I’m Palestinian. I drink my coffee black, just like my dear mother. Everything I write and do is for her. She is the only reason you’re reading these words. And any subsequent writing you may read from me is firmly rooted in the love she has for me. The people in your life that care about you are the only reason for doing anything.